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Sandhya Jain

Government college of dentistry , India

Title: Diagnosis And Management Of Midline Discrepancies


Biography: Sandhya Jain


In humans facial assymtery is very common. But when this asymmetry is present in significant amount it causes both functional as well esthetic problems. Among all asymmteries encountered midline discrepancies are commonly seen and most complex problems in clinical practice. If ideal correction is to be achieved, all the three of the patient’s midline  facial , maxillary and mandibular should be co incident. Skeletal , soft tissue , and dentoalveolar assymtery may be present alone or in combination in a ptient presenting with non co incident midlines. Due to multifactorial etiolog of midline discrepancies , a thorough understanding of components that may contribute to the problem is essential for correct diagnosis and treatment planning.